Leyland at the Lowther

Lytham’s Lowther Pavilion hosts Leyland

Leyland Band will perform a fantastic early summer concert at the Lowther Pavilion, Lytham. Returning to the seaside venue, the band will be conducted by Thomas Wyss and present a wonderful selection of popular, engaging and entertaining music to herald the approaching summer in this popular Fylde coast resort.

Leyland at the LowtherThe concert will start at 7.00pm, and feature Leyland’s trademark style and fantastic soloists.

Busy May

The band has a busy diary for the month of May with 3 concerts including Brass at the Lowther and the Whit Friday Festival.

On the 13th May, the band will join forces again with the Lancashire Youth Band in a matinee concert in Chorley Town Hall.

That will be followed on the 17th May, by Leyland’s second appearance at the wonderful St Mary’s Church, Penwortham in a special Thursday night concert.

And the band will head on to the seaside on the 20th May for Brass at the Lowther.